Changing Seasons, Embracing Autumn

Changing Seasons, Embracing Autumn

This post covers the following topics:

–  Embrace Acceptance & Letting Go

–  Journal Prompts

–  Meet the Team: Neil Fennesey

–  What’s Been Happening at Isorropia

–  Team Yoga – now avaliable for members!

As we embrace the arrival of autumn, I want to wish everyone a joyful season. This time of year, is truly enchanting, especially here at the Isorropia site. Nature begins its transformation, bringing shorter days and cooler temperatures. While these changes can sometimes feel a bit dreary, it’s important to remember that just as we cherish the warmth of sunshine, growth also requires the balance of rain and darkness. Both elements are essential for nurturing life.

When we take a moment to reflect, we realize that our lives mirror this reality: not every day will be filled with joy. There will be tough days that challenge us, and it’s completely understandable to feel overwhelmed and tempted to revert to old coping strategies. It’s okay to feel down for a while, but we must find the strength to recognise when it’s time to say, “enough is enough.” This is where the tools we offer at Isorropia can help us regain our balance. I wanted to share my thoughts on embracing acceptance and the art of letting go, a key focus in the Gift Foundation course.

Embracing Acceptance & Letting Go

Easier said the done right! Experiencing negative events in life can have a profound impact, and it’s easy to find yourself transported back to those moments through a familiar smell, sound, or word. Forgiveness can often seem daunting and challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s not about forgiving the event itself; rather, it’s about how we treat ourselves in the aftermath that truly needs our compassion and understanding.

What truly matters is recognising that your negative experiences can play into our self-beliefs and continue to damage us if we let them, but they do not define you. You are more than your trauma; you are a complex individual with a rich identity beyond those painful moments.

I used to be a victim of my negative experiences, constantly blaming my actions on what I had endured. I would think, “I behave this way because of how I was treated,” or “This triggers me because of my past.” I felt stuck, believing I couldn’t progress because of what I was going through, and I internalised feelings of worthlessness based on others’ words. I thought, “I’m not good enough because of this event.” In reality, I was caging my negative experiences in my mind, replaying them over and over, allowing them to define me. Living in the past obscured my future and prevented me from fully experiencing the present. The truth is, we have the power to choose. We can either let our past dictate our lives or we can rise up and move forward. Are we really going to let past events hold us back from living in the now?

Moving forward can feel challenging, and I truly wish I had all the solutions or could simply make everything better with a wave of a wand. However, I can share with you the steps I take in similar situations.


Recognise that what you’ve experienced is truly painful and unfair. It’s important to tell yourself, “I went through this, and it was incredibly difficult.” Allow yourself to feel the sadness and hurt; validate those emotions and acknowledge the struggle you faced. Take a moment to sit with your feelings. You now have a choice: you can either remain in that place or decide that you won’t allow these experiences to dictate your future any longer. This pain has affected you enough, but it’s time to reclaim your narrative and move forward.


It’s important to show yourself compassion for the way you’ve treated yourself. Whether it was your fault or not, allow yourself to let go of that burden. Be gentle with your thoughts, your words, and your actions. It’s perfectly okay to forgive yourself and embrace a kinder perspective.

Let it go

Is it possible for me to change my circumstances? Can I take charge of my life? Or will I choose to truly embrace living? 

Life is fleeting! Somewhere in the world, someone didn’t have the chance to wake up today, but you did.

Reflect on this: if you had the opportunity to live today in any way you wished, what would that look like? Would you dwell on past hardships and negative experiences, or would you seize the moment and make the most of today? The future is uncertain, but I, for one, want to ensure that I live my life to the fullest. 

When my time comes to leave this world, do I want to depart knowing I spent my days trapped in negativity, or do I want to go knowing I embraced and celebrated my true self? The choice is yours.

Life is not always easy things will come in that bring up the past and it may take you back for a minute. Try not to linger in that space for too long. When I find myself in this situation, I remind myself to let go and focus on the present moment. I recognise that I am here now, and I have grown from my past. To help ground myself, I often use the 5-4-3-2-1 technique, which helps me reconnect with the present. If you’re unfamiliar with this method, I encourage you to look for it in the upcoming emotional regulation workshop.

Journalling for Acceptance & Letting Go

Consider using the following journal prompts on the topic of acceptance and letting go. Some of these questions may be uncomfortable, so remember to give yourself compassion, growth lies in discomfort!

      • Reflect on a challenge you’ve overcome. How has this experience helped you grow and become stronger? What valuable lessons did you gain from it?
      • Rewrite your story with a fresh, empowering perspective. Focus on the incredible person you are becoming and the dreams you’re pursuing. For example: “I used to dwell in my past as the girl who faced bullying, the young mother who fought through challenges, and someone who felt unwell, overwhelmed, and shattered. Now, my new story is that I am Karleigh, a compassionate and empathetic individual who cherishes her work and is dedicated to helping others. I seek adventure and a deeper connection with the world around me.”
      • When facing a tough situation, ask yourself: What can I do to improve it? If I can’t change it, what positive steps can I take to let go and move forward with peace?
      • Think of a time when something good emerged from a difficult experience. How has that silver lining shaped your perspective and personal growth?
      • What are five strengths that make you unique and powerful? Celebrate these qualities and how they enrich your life.
      • What areas of your life do you have control over? Focus on these aspects and how you can enhance them to create more joy and fulfillment.
      • What is one negative belief you hold about yourself? Look for evidence that shows this belief is untrue and begin rewriting it into something positive.
      • How has your past influenced who you are today in a positive way? What valuable insights have you gained from your journey so far?
      • What would you gain by letting go of the past? Imagine the freedom, peace, and new opportunities that could come your way.
      • What makes you feel safe, supported, and at ease? Reflect on these sources of comfort and how they uplift you.
      • What situations or emotions trigger you, and how can you care for yourself when this happens? Consider healthy strategies that help you stay grounded and positive.

My greatest moments didn’t come from my greatest moments, my greatest moments come from my greatest defeats, because it was during my defeats that I had to get back up again.

Eric Thomas

Meet the Team: Neil Fennesey

Neil is the Deputy Lead at Isorropia. He navigates daily challenges with remarkable skill, acting as a cohesive force within our team, and providing great inspiration to all of us.

Job role: Deputy Lead

Favourite workshop: Confidence and Self-esteem. For me these psychological attributes are fundamental to our mental wellbeing. By working on trusting in our abilities and believing we deserve the good things in life we will start experiencing healthier thoughts and emotions therefore automatically reducing anxiety and low moods.

What keeps me well: By continuously working on meaning and purpose, weather this is spending time with my family and friends, engaging with my personal interests, bringing new meaning into work within smaller tasks and roles or creating momentary meaning within day to day activities, gives me a sense of satisfaction, purpose, giving back to others and therefore creates healthy thoughts and feelings.

Favourite quote:

    1. “The socialism I believe in isn’t politics. It is a way of living. It is humanity. I believe the only way to live and to be truly successful is by collective effort, with everyone working for each other, everyone helping each other, and everyone having a share of the rewards at the end of the day.”
    2. “If a leader has a vision and everybody shares it, then success is inevitable. Any team is like an orchestra, where each person has their part to play. But it’s the leader who sets the tempo, who directs the people and makes them believe in a common goal. When everybody is working toward the same vision, with the same determination, then you create something very special.”
    3. “The key to success is to make every single person believe in the same idea. It’s not just about, resource or strategy. It’s about creating belief. It’s about making everyone realize that they are part of something bigger than themselves, that they are contributing to something that can be truly great.”

I can’t choose between these three statements; however, they are all from a man named Bill Shankly a working-class man who become a leader of people and teams in the 1960s and 70s. All these statements can be related to mental health and suggest that if we work together, look after each other and have belief that we are a part of something greater than ourselves, we will all lead happier lives.

What does wellness look like for me:

Wellness for me is about learning and awareness. As long as I’m working on creating stability, consistently developing a healthier and balanced lifestyle, working on acceptance and letting go, implementing and growing an open and positive mindset and connecting to a meaning and purpose daily, all of which consists of countless steps and activities, I feel well.

What's Been Happening at Isorropia?

A New Wellbeing Coach – Ian!

We are pleased to announce the recent addition of Ian to our team, who has already proven to be a significant asset to Isorropia. His rapid learning ability has been impressive, and I have personally found great pleasure in getting to know him. Ian exemplifies remarkable strength and unwavering determination, making it a privilege to have him as part of our organisation. Congratulations, Ian.

New Bank Wellbeing Coaches

If you’ve attended any workshops recently, you may have encountered some of the new members of the bank team who are training with the wellbeing coaches. It’s been a joy to get to know them and witness their growing confidence during the sessions. Each of them contributes something fresh and inspiring to Isorropia, and we all look forward to seeing more of their involvement.


We are excited to welcome some new volunteer mentors who are here to support those who may need assistance during our workshops. These mentors are invaluable members of our team, bringing their lived experiences and knowledge of Isorropia to help others through our program. We truly appreciate their contributions!

I really enjoy this because it gives me the opportunity to interview many more people.

Happy Birthday’s

This month has been packed with birthdays at the office, and we truly enjoy celebrating our team mates’ special days 🎂 ❤️ with cards, gifts, singing, and occasionally throwing a little party for some good laughs.

Team Yoga

 We recently enjoyed a team yoga session led by Shelley, and it was a hit! Everyone found it incredibly beneficial for their well-being. Personally, I had never tried yoga before and entered the session with no expectations, a little out of my comfort zone, but I kept an open mind and aimed to make the most of the experience. Some of this I found challenging, while other parts were quite enjoyable. I definitely think it’s worth a shot, and I’m eager to explore it further to help me feel more centred. Shelley is an amazing instructor, and I felt very at ease and connected with her. She shared her inspiring story about how yoga has played a significant role in her recovery, showcasing her incredible strength.

Now, Shelley offering yoga classes to you, our members, so why not give it a try? Isorropia members can enjoy yoga with Shelley by booking via the bookwhen link.

Love Karleigh xx
Coping with Overwhelm | Hannah’s Wing Walk!

Coping with Overwhelm | Hannah’s Wing Walk!

Hello everyone!

Can you believe we’re halfway through September? For weeks, I’ve been reflecting on what to write for this blog, and in the process, I’ve learned something valuable about creativity and self-care. Sometimes, we expect creativity to flow effortlessly, but it’s okay if it doesn’t happen immediately. The key is not to give up. Instead, we can use these moments as an opportunity to explore deeper thoughts and emotions, learning more about ourselves in the process.

Recently, I noticed that I had been avoiding tasks by procrastinating, and I realised it was a pattern that no longer serves me. Recognising our tendencies is the first step toward transforming them!

When I asked myself why I felt this way, the answer that surfaced was overwhelm. Overwhelm is a feeling many of us experience, especially when juggling various roles and responsibilities. But instead of seeing it as a burden, I now view it as an invitation to reassess, slow down, and prioritise.

In the past, I used to shut down when life got too hectic, but now I know that we don’t have to carry that weight alone. We can choose to be gentle with ourselves and ask, “What do I need right now?”—because we are capable of overcoming these moments.

I used to set high expectations for myself whenever I felt overwhelmed, believing I had to do more only created additional pressure and stress; a cycle that was tricky to break. But now I understand it’s not about pushing harder—it’s about pausing, reflecting, and being kind to ourselves. Self-care isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. What helps me feel good when I’m energised may not be the same when I’m feeling overwhelmed. It’s about listening to what we truly need, and that changes from moment to moment.

One powerful tool I’ve discovered is simply speaking my thoughts out loud. When writing feels too difficult, expressing myself verbally helps release the mental clutter. It’s incredibly freeing and can be a great way to process emotions when journaling or other methods don’t feel right.

When overwhelm strikes, it’s important to recognise it for what it is—a sign that we need to shift our approach, not a reason to feel defeated. For example, recently with the school holidays, I wanted to spend quality time with my kids, excel in my work, and stay connected with friends. But rather than seeing these responsibilities as pressures, I now view them as areas where I can give myself permission to show up authentically. I don’t have to be perfect—just present and kind to myself along the way.

Acknowledging that we all experience these feelings helps us build resilience. It’s empowering to recognise that we have the ability to release some of the pressure we put on ourselves. By doing so, we allow ourselves to thrive rather than just survive!

Everyone, at some point in their lives, will experience overwhelm. So, what steps can we take when we feel overwhelmed?

    1. Acknowledge your emotions – It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. It’s a normal human experience.
    2. Be kind to yourself – Show yourself the same compassion you’d offer a friend.
    3. Shift your mindset – Instead of saying, “I must,” try, “I would like to.” It adds a sense of choice and ease.

And how can we respond when these feelings arise?

    1. Be honest with yourself – Recognise when things feel like too much, and give yourself permission to take a break.
    2. Treat yourself with compassion – It’s perfectly normal to feel this way, and you deserve kindness.
    3. Think small – Focus on small, manageable actions that can positively impact your well-being without draining your energy. Simple steps like staying hydrated, maintaining a balanced diet, or taking just 5-10 minutes to sit in silence can make a significant difference. Remember to take breaks during your workday and establish a consistent sleep routine; these are the essential building blocks of self-care. Consider exploring workshops on basic human needs for further insights.

Taking care of yourself isn’t just important—it’s essential. When you prioritise your well-being, you’re better equipped to care for others. Remember, you are the most valuable resource in your life, and giving yourself the care and attention you deserve is a wise and powerful choice.

Journaling for Overwhelm

  • Consider dedicating a few pages in your journal or creating a special file on your phone to collect all the positive moments in your life. It may seem trivial, but I find it incredibly beneficial. Include uplifting quotes, photos of things that bring you joy (like your pets or family), and any kind words you’ve received—no need to fully believe them, just jot them down. Also, note down any positive actions you’ve taken. When you’re feeling down or overwhelmed, revisit these pages for a boost of warmth and encouragement.
  • Think about what you truly need in this moment.
  • Utilise the negative thoughts diary from the anxiety workshop to help process your feelings.
  • Compile a list of self-care activities that uplift your spirit.

“On Thursday I finally completed my wing walk and my biggest challenge yet! I completely pushed myself out of my comfort zone and boy, it was absolutely worth it.

Sometimes our comfort zones can become uncomfortable, and we need to do something to push ourselves out of that, even if it’s scary. I had a text on Thursday morning saying, if you can get out of bed and face the day, you can do anything. The best advice I think I’ve been given. Whether it’s sending a text to someone, getting out of bed, or doing a wing walk, nothing ever changes if we stay in our comfort zone. Push yourself out, I promise it’s worth it.

Thank you all for the support and being a wonderful bunch to of cheerleaders, your support throughout this has meant so much!”

Hannah's Wing Walk

“On Thursday I finally completed my wing walk and my biggest challenge yet! I completely pushed myself out of my comfort zone and boy, it was absolutely worth it.

Sometimes our comfort zones can become uncomfortable, and we need to do something to push ourselves out of that, even if it’s scary. I had a text on Thursday morning saying, if you can get out of bed and face the day, you can do anything. The best advice I think I’ve been given. Whether it’s sending a text to someone, getting out of bed, or doing a wing walk, nothing ever changes if we stay in our comfort zone. Push yourself out, I promise it’s worth it.

Thank you all for the support and being a wonderful bunch to of cheerleaders, your support throughout this has meant so much!”

– Hannah, Wellbeing Coach.

Are you a community member? Would you like to share your story on the blog?

Are you a community member? Would you like to share your Isorropia experiences, or perhaps share something positive you have done after improving your wellbeing. What tools do you use from our workshops? What workshop do you enjoy the most or fill us in on how you found the GIFT course, is there a wellbeing coach you would like to thank Please contact Karleigh and tell me all about it at

Karleigh xx

5th Birthday | Overcoming Challenges | Volunteers

5th Birthday | Overcoming Challenges | Volunteers

Hello everyone, it’s great to be back! I hope you’re all doing well. As we missed June’s blog, this will be a mix of the past two months. So much has happened in the last two months and I’m afraid I can’t fit it all in!

Happy Birthday to Us!

We recently celebrated our 5th birthday by hosting our Summer Wellbeing Day with Isorropia members and their family and friends.

It was all about fun and connection! Thank you to everybody who came along, the Isorropia team had a great day celebrating with you.

If you’re a member and you’re not receiving our emails, contact us and let us know so you don’t miss any events or updates!

The past 5 years have flown by and we are grateful to everyone, past and present, who have helped Isorropia Foundation get to where we are today and we look forward to what the next 5 years will bring!

Overcoming Challenges

Life is full of ups and downs, and it’s important to acknowledge that we can’t always be at our best. One of the most courageous things we can do is to admit when we’re struggling and reach out for help. Being honest about how we’re feeling is a pivotal step in improving our wellbeing.

It can be tough when setbacks happen, but facing these challenges head-on is crucial for moving forward. Recently, I encountered a particularly difficult situation when my 19-year-old son was involved in a serious motorcycle accident at the end of June. The shock of the accident was immense, and I immediately went into mom mode, taking care of what needed to be done. I made the important decision to reach out to my colleagues and let them know what was happening, something I wouldn’t normally do. I realised the importance of letting people know so they could understand and offer support.

After the initial shock wore off, I experienced a range of emotions: lack of energy, numbness, fear, guilt, worry, anger, anxiety, and overwhelm. I found myself trying to bury my emotions instead of dealing with them. These responses were completely natural. However, the key thing that I did differently this time was reaching out to friends and colleagues. I was open about where I was at, being truthful and honest, allowing myself to truly feel those emotions and be kind to myself. Journaling is usually my go-to wellness tool, but since I lacked the energy, I turned to reading and revisited some questions I had asked myself before. It turned out to be the best decision I could have made!

Being honest with ourselves and those around us is key to maintaining our mental health. It’s okay to have moments of feeling low and vulnerable. By reaching out and allowing ourselves to feel, we can build resilience and face life’s challenges with greater strength.

Journaling for Low Mood

How do you feel when experiencing low mood?

Examples: Not wash or dress, withdraw and isolate, stay in bed, overthink, negative thoughts, take things to heart, clouded thinking, shake, sleepless.

What things keep you well?

Examples: talk to people I trust, walk the dog, journal (find 3 positives in the day), read, drink water, eat healthy, garden, brain dump my feelings on paper, listen to upbeat music, meditation, get dressed (wear something nice), do my hair/make up, feel the feelings (it’s ok), be kind to yourself.

 Ask yourself:

    • What things can I control? 
    • What are the things I can’t control?
    • Can I influence/change this situation? If I cant can I accept it and let it go?
    • What are my beliefs right now?
    • Are my beliefs true?
    • What am I making this mean?
    • What do I feel about this situation or what do I want to feel?
    • What positive things are happening in my life right now?
    • Name 3 situations I have overcome in the past?
    • Who can I talk to?
    • How can I grow from this?

A Step in the Right Direction

When you’re feeling down, it’s crucial to acknowledge your actions and understand where you’re at emotionally. Recently, I reached a point where all the signs of a low mood were present, and I knew it was time to shift my focus to activities that help me feel better. I set a small goal for myself: to choose one self-care practice from my list and do it daily.

My first step to getting back on track was taking my dog for a walk. During the walk, I captured a photo to remind myself that I can overcome tough times. I hesitated to share it because it was a raw moment—I hadn’t washed my hair, put on makeup, or dressed nicely, and I had been crying. However, I managed to take my dog for a walk and allowed myself to fully experience my emotions.

 It’s okay to not always be at 100%, we’re all human. Reflecting on how I would have dealt with such a situation in the past made me realise how far I have come and how much more resilient I am now. By setting a goal from my wellbeing list each day and being honest with myself, I’ve managed to get back on track. This small act was a significant step towards reclaiming my wellbeing. It serves as a powerful reminder that even in our lowest moments, we can find strength in simple actions.

 It’s been a month since my son’s accident, and he’s doing well—getting stronger every day and starting to walk independently again.

It’s crucial to understand that feeling down doesn’t always stem from a major event or circumstance. It could be as simple as a comment or a negative thought. Life is full of ups and downs, and the key is to remember that the lows won’t last. You have the strength to overcome them.

When you’re feeling down, acknowledge it. Remind yourself that it’s normal to feel sad or frustrated. Take some time to sit with those emotions, rest, and show yourself some compassion. Just remember not to let yourself be consumed by negativity. You have the power to break free from that cycle. By embracing these moments and being honest about them, we build resilience and move forward, one step at a time.

Our lives improve only when we take chances – and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.

Walter Anderson

If you want to learn tools for low mood, I recommend our workshops ‘Overcoming Low Mood’ and ‘The Fear of Getting Well.’ Also, you may find ‘wellbeing planning’ useful to help you set those small goals to get on track.

Meet the Team: Our Volunteers

Zara | Volunteer Mentor

Favourite Workshop: Building Health Relationship, because it can truly be a useful tool to have in forming connections with others which before I did the workshop, I found hard to do or I would make the wrong kind of friendships and relationship. Now having done this workshop I have all the skills and tools to make more meaningful friendships and relationships which are more in line with the kind of person I truly am.

What keeps me well: I find that spending time in the countryside and connecting with wildlife really boosts my overall wellbeing. It’s amazing how much nature has to offer when you take the time to explore and learn about it. Another thing that has helped me is learning to prioritize my own needs and saying no when necessary. I used to feel guilty about taking time for myself, but now I set aside two days a week for self-care. Whether it’s catching up with friends over coffee or spending time on my hobbies like gaming and working on my YouTube channel, these “me” days help me recharge and be myself.

Favourite Quote: My favourite quote would be from Chris Grosser who said the following “Opportunities don’t happen, you create them” and I strongly believe this quote as we all have the power within us if take the chance to act on them and not let our own fears and inner critic tell us we’re not good enough at it, as we are all good enough and can do it.

About Me: Hi, I’m Zara, one of the volunteer Mentors at Isorropia. I started out as a member like so many others, I had ups and downs with things like building friendships, and mental health illnesses, like depression and anxiety. In the past, I went from one NHS mental health service to another and got a little better, but I never had a team or someone to turn to if I had a low moment, until I found out about Isorropia. When I started, I felt like “here we go again” but as time went on and I fully took onboard their workshops and ‘The Gift Course’. I found they are not like the others, and they gave me the time to come to terms with things on my own. Isorropia where always happy to advise, guide, and help me see things outside the box. Through the toolbox of skills, I found myself and I’m the happiest version of myself I can be right now.

So, when they had a volunteering role come up, I jumped at the idea of being able to give back to a great mental health organisation, as they were able to give me so many more skills and tools I didn’t have, or I didn’t know how to use correctly. I always enjoyed volunteering at places I have passion for. When I was 16 years old, I volunteered at Osborne House with the horse drawn carriages when it was run by the late Mr John Parker of swingletree stables. There I volunteered while going to high school then they employed me when I left high school. I’d say the thing I enjoy about volunteering is I get to help and support a company I have a passion for. It’s a way for me to give back and say thank you for helping me and supporting me. Plus, I enjoy helping and supporting people, so it’s a good fit and makes me feel like I am doing something good. 

Jo-Ann | Volunteer Mentor & Minibus Driver

My Role: I drive the bus. Which I love. I like the way people get on the bus for the first time.  They are very nervous and have high levels of anxiety.  I like to try and put them at ease. The bus is completely silent going to Isorropia.  Then coming back doing the drop off, the people are talking and optimistic about the future. 

I’m also a Mentor. Mentoring is my ikigai. I love being able to put people at ease and helping guide them through the workshops.  It brings me great satisfaction and joy.

I also support ‘The Gift Course’. I do the slides. It’s certainly never boring. I love helping with this because I get to see people’s light bulb moments 💡 Kind of watching the effects of the gift workshop suddenly change people’s views on life and goal making.  It’s great.

Favourite Workshop: My favourite workshop is definitely the gift and the inner critic. The name of mine is wrong Rodger. I refuse to listen to his negativity and choose to be optimistic. I actually love all of the workshops.

What keeps me well: I love that I now have a dog. I love walking him. He is very cuddly and knows when I need him by my side. He is in training as a support dog for me. He brings me great joy. Sometimes frustration. Also, my volunteering keeps me well. I am constantly learning. I work hard on myself every day, and I journal. Find something good in every day.

Favourite Quote: “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” I got it from watching Steel Magnolias. I think Shirley Maclain said it and I’ve hung on to it ever since.

Mike | Volunteer Minibus Driver

Favourite Workshop: The Repair Shop workshop on TV! I have not attended any Isorropia workshops as I am content at the moment to just drive.

What keeps me well: Now that I am retired, I like to keep myself active through doing some voluntary work, walking. To stay mentally healthy I read a lot, play guitar and ukulele and I make wooden scale models of boats (radio controlled) and trams trains etc. to keep my mind active.

Favourite Quote: Desiterata by Max Ehrmann.

This is a long “quote” of rules or guidelines to live by it starts “Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons…”

I urge you if you have not heard this before to look it up and read it in full. (Click here to read the full quote)

About Me: I live in Lake with my wife Gill and we have been married for 41 years this July. We have two sons and one granddaughter. Before I retired, I was working for the ambulance service at St. Mary’s as a Patient Transport driver/care assistant.

Prior to that I was a self-employed driving instructor for about 10 years and prior to that I was a full time Youth and Community worker for nearly 25 years. It was this that brought me to the island in 1981 as a youth worker in Cowes. I subsequently worked back in my native Norfolk (in Gt Yarmouth) before moving back to the island to work at Ventnor Youth and community centre and then Sandown Youth Centre.

I love walking, I am learning to play guitar and ukulele. Music is very important to me, I like many types from heavy rock to traditional folk, blues and some classical!

Gill and I go to many live music events including festivals in our camper van.

I love riding my motorbike (only in good weather these days).

As well as volunteering for Isorropia, I also volunteer for Shanklin Community Library to help in keeping it running following council cuts several years ago. I also sing in a male voice choir, raising money for local charities. So far this year we have raised over £1500.

Volunteering is ‘going to work’ for me now, it gives me a sense of purpose and provides a means to meet new people from all walks of life. I always intended to volunteer when I finally finished full time employment and I hope to be able to continue doing so for many years.

Tasha | Community Engagement Volunteer

Favourite Workshop: Confidence & Self Esteem, I need this workshop periodically to remember to push myself in order to keep gaining my confidence.

What keeps me well: Mindfulness. Puzzles. Audio books (Thrillers).

Favourite Quote: “It’s not about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

About Me: I first came to Isorropia 4.5 years ago, I was isolating myself from the world & had extremely low self-esteem & self-worth.

After engaging with all the workshops & completing the Gift course, I entered the community umbrella, and it was here I met friends that helped & supported me on the next part of my journey, helping to keep me socialising in groups & they will be in my life forever!

It was in these groups that I found my passion for the community & it’s value in members journeys, I slowly started volunteering my time to make posters & help with the Newsletter and, now, I create the Newsletter each month, make all the social group posters, and hopefully keep members engaged on The Graduates Facebook Page.

This helps keep me well & would encourage anyone to find their passion & volunteer!

Keith | Minibus Driver & Mentor

Favourite Workshop: Fear of getting well

What keeps me well: Realising your emotions and thoughts are not facts they are more like clouds in the sky, sometimes dark and sometimes light and fluffy with blue skies, let it pass.

Favourite Quote: “Those that mind don’t matter and those that matter don’t mind, remember you do you!”

About Me: My lived experience has been living my life as I perceived society and family expected me too until I burnt out in 2016 suffering from anxiety, severe depression and a mental breakdown. I distanced myself from unhelpful relationships losing my sense of self purpose, identity, career, marriage and home. 

Three years ago, I relocated to the Isle of Wight from Belfast joining the RNLI crew in Cowes and Isorropia as a training mentor in the past 12 months. Mentally, I’m in the best place I ever have been with new empowerment skills learnt here to move out of victim mode. 

I also came out as gay late in life to my family, friends, and children, and have learnt to forgive and let go of my inner prejudice. Learning self-respect, able to be my true self with a new aim to help and inspire others.

Thank you so much to our wonderful team of volunteers!

Karleigh xxx

Connection | Personal Growth | The Big Eat Co.

Connection | Personal Growth | The Big Eat Co.

Wow! May went by so quickly at Isorropia. Firstly, our apologies for the delay in getting May’s blog post to you, annual leave within the Team means we’re running a bit behind, but we are catching up now!

The weather is getting warmer and the days are brighter, which is such a mood booster! Personally, May was a month filled with new responsibilities at work. It’s been a rollercoaster ride with ups and downs, but I’m embracing it as a learning experience. Every day brings new challenges, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to grow. Of course, there are moments when self-doubt creeps in, but thankfully, I have an amazing team that supports me and helps me find my way. I understand that opening up and being vulnerable with the people I trust is essential for personal growth. However, it’s not always easy for me to do. Despite these challenges, I am gradually learning to overcome them by taking on tasks that challenge and prove my negative beliefs wrong. 

Let's talk about Connection...

Connection is a topic that frequently comes up in our workshops at Isorropia, emphasising the significance of connecting with others. It can be quite daunting if you’re like me and have distanced yourself from people for a long time. When I first joined Isorropia as a member, my intention was to avoid everyone, stay silent, and never form any friendships. If you struggle with friendships, like I have in the past, you might think that isolating yourself is the best way to deal with it, right? How mistaken I was!

Being in the presence of others sometimes frightens me and causes genuine concern, often leading me to withdraw. However, I have come to realise that one of the most crucial aspects of life is connecting with others. As humans, we thrive on connection. One thing I truly appreciate about Isorropia is that we quickly learn in our workshops that we are not alone. I have always placed pressure on myself, thinking “I should have friends,” “why don’t I have close friendships like them,” “why don’t I fit in,” and “why is it so difficult to be liked?”

These have been ongoing struggles for me since childhood. Enduring severe bullying throughout my middle and high school years has greatly impacted my ability to trust, form relationships, communicate, and even like myself. Overcoming these challenges, as well as my fear of abandonment, has been a true battle when it comes to being around others.

I’ve realised during this journey that connection isn’t about forcing ourselves into deep, meaningful relationships. I used to have high expectations for friendships, focusing on how they should appear and feel. However, when I did form a bond with someone, I became overly reliant on them, expecting too much and giving too much, which ultimately led to an unhealthy dynamic and pain when it ended. 

I didn’t realise that by participating in workshops, I was already connecting with people, even if I didn’t speak. Seeing the wellbeing coaches and members each time I attended the workshops was a form of connection. I’ve learned that I don’t have to be best friends with someone to feel connected. Being in this environment has helped me slowly break down some of the walls I’ve built around myself, allowing me to be vulnerable and trust like-minded individuals at a distance that feels comfortable for me.

Since becoming a wellbeing coach a challenge I have faced has been allowing myself to connect with others. However, I started doing it at a pace that is comfortable for me, which is ok! I have understood that liking my own company isn’t a bad thing. I can create boundaries and not put to many expectations on myself or other people, and that’s ok. Slowly, I have built more meaningful relationships with others, and although it’s been a challenge, I have found some great connections. 

This has enabled me to share the challenges I face with people whom I trust. I’ve opened up to them, revealing glimpses of my true self. I’ve discussed my boundaries and comfort zones, and gradually, I’m discovering that I can cultivate genuine and nourishing friendships.

I’ve discovered that true friendship is all about balance, setting boundaries, empathy, trust, respect, and being genuine. Above all, I’ve learned the importance of being in relationships that uplift and support you, where you can grow together – that’s the kind of tribe you should seek out.

Throughout my journey, I’ve had to make some tough choices. I had to end certain family relationships that were not benefiting me, but rather dragging me down and causing me pain. In those instances, I prioritised myself, and it’s important to note that it’s not selfishness but self-awareness. I value myself enough to understand that I deserve to be treated better, and I have enough respect for myself.

“There are three solutions to every problem: accept it, change it, or leave it. If you can’t accept it, change it. If you can’t change it, leave it.”

Author Unknown

“How can anyone like you, if you don’t like yourself first?”

I’ve heard this statement countless times, and as much as I hate to admit it, I find it undeniably true. The key lesson is that in order for others to like and respect you, you must first like and respect yourself. It’s crucial to cultivate a genuine friendship with yourself, being kind, honest, and compassionate towards your own being.

This lesson has been the most challenging for me to learn, but it’s also the most important. The friendship we have with ourselves is the most significant one we’ll ever experience in our entire lives because we are the ones we live with, and when we depart from this world, we depart with that friendship. We don’t take anyone else with us, only ourselves. So, let’s strive to make our minds a positive and welcoming place by learning to genuinely like ourselves first.

Currently, I am focusing on practicing self-acceptance. I have always compared myself to others and tried to conform to everyone’s standards, which is exhausting and makes me feel inauthentic. It’s a gradual process, but I am finally learning to embrace my true self without pretending or hiding. In those moments of doubt, it’s important to show yourself compassion. When you’re ready to embark on this journey, remember that it won’t be smooth sailing, but it will lead to a healthier relationship with yourself and others.

For more on self compassion and journaling with compassion please have a read of my February blog.

Our workshop on building healthy relationships is an excellent opportunity to delve into the dynamics of both unhealthy and healthy relationships. Additionally, our workshop on effective communication will provide valuable insights into expressing your needs more effectively. The workshop on confidence and self-esteem aims to assist you in recognising and addressing any negative beliefs you may hold, while also empowering you to enhance your self-esteem.

Meet the Team: Becky

Becky, our neurodiversity lead and exceptional senior wellbeing coach, is truly one of a kind. She exudes kindness, intelligence, and compassion, always putting others before herself. Becky’s warm personality and funny quirks make her a beloved figure in the office, where she never fails to make everyone feel at home. Her wealth of knowledge on neurodiversity studies is truly impressive, making her an invaluable resource for all of us.

Job Role

Senior Wellbeing Coach

What is your favourite workshop?

Effective Communication

What keeps you well?

 I have a lot of tools I use to keep me well, one of them is taking time for myself to recharge my batteries, it is so important for me, I get very drained socialising, so I have to make sure I have me time in between. This can look like, walking in nature, I do this every single day (when I can) on my own, listening to an audio book, through a forest or marshland. Making sure I schedule in ‘quiet times’ where I cannot be around people and just be alone (with my cats!). 

Even sitting in the car for 10 minutes once I’ve parked up, if I’m pushed for time can really help. 

What is your favourite quote?

“This too shall pass.” – King Solomon.  

About Becky

I have 2 children and 3 cats, I enjoy walking anywhere that’s open and green, love a ramble through a forest or sludging through mud! I love Pokémon Go, I’ve been playing since 2015. I love Marvel, science and reading. I am passionate about all things Neurodivergent. I enjoy raising money for charity and try to get involved where I can. 

More than anything I love helping and supporting people who may be struggling with their mental health or wellbeing. 

Connection is a tricky one for me, I have struggled with this for as long as I can remember. I found it hard to connect with people as I always felt different from others, I always felt like an outsider, I could never quite fit in with my peers. So early on I discovered that if I changed who I was, and made myself more like them, I was more accepted. I did this for many years. However, I began to realise that by doing this, I wasn’t being me, no one knew who I really was, and I felt very lonely. I also realised that at times, I was going against my own morals and values just to fit in. It was exhausting and I began to wonder if my ‘friends’ only liked me for who I was being and would they even like the authentic me? Another big question I had was, is it a real connection if it’s not the real me? I struggled with this for many years. 

Then in my mid-thirties I found out I was Autistic, I learned what Masking was and realised I’d been doing this since I was a child. I decided I wanted to try and unmask, at least a little, to let people see me. This was harder than I thought, it wasn’t even something I was consciously doing, and I had no idea how to stop. 

3 years ago, I came to work for Isorropia, straight away I saw there was no judgement here. People were so accepting and so caring. Very slowly I began to notice that I could show parts of me I’d kept hidden, I could talk about Pokémon and cats passionately without being laughed at. I could reel of facts and figures from the latest studies I’d read, I could show my more vulnerable side without judgement. I could share my intense need for routine and be understood. I could voice when I was overwhelmed, and I could use fidget toys in front of people for the first time. (These are a lifesaver for me, I can’t do a workshop without them!) Not only was I accepted but I was liked, I felt real connection with others and was able to be my authentic quirky self. This has helped me with a very important connection, the connection with myself. Its helping me to connect to who I truly am, under the mask, as I haven’t really known for a long time. This Is just the start of a long journey but one I am excited about. 

Journaling for Reflecting on Social Interactions

  1. When was the last time you genuinely listened to during a conversation?
  2. Share an interaction that left you feeling full of joy.
  3. Which topics do you find easy to discuss, and which ones do you find more challenging?
  4. Describe a recent encounter where you felt completely at ease. What contributed to that feeling?
  5. Reflect on a recent conversation that didn’t go as planned. If you could change something about it, what would it be?
  6. Recall a time when you felt proud of how you handled a social situation.
  7. Describe a recent moment when you felt a deep connection with someone. What factors contributed to that bond?
  8. Do you notice any recurring patterns in how people react to you? If so, what are they?
  9. Think about a time when you assisted someone else. How did it make you feel?
  10. Have you ever received a compliment that stayed with you? What was it about?
  11. Can you think of a time when you misinterpreted someone’s actions? What did you learn from that experience?
  12. Recall a moment when you shared laughter with someone. What was the catalyst for that laughter?
  13. Write about an interaction that prompted personal growth or a new understanding.

Personality Types

The team recently participated in an awesome activity exploring our various colour personality types. I’ve included a link below where you can try it out yourself. I had a blast taking part in it and found it fascinating to discover the different personality types within our office. I’m curious to know what colour you are, and let’s see if anyone can guess mine! Click HERE to check it out.

Introducing the Big Eat Co.

The end of May marked the start of the Big Eat Co. offering delicious lunch options at Medina Valley Centre!

It’s off to a great start! Mark at the Big Eat Co is doing a wonderful job providing amazing meals and drinks. I would recommend the lemon cheesecake it’s delicious!

With over three decades of culinary experience, Mark, the brains behind and owner of the Big Eat Company, is transformaing catering with his innovative, flavour-filled approach. His focus on sustainability and ethical eating shines in every dish, using local ingredients and supporting the low food mile movement. The result? Plates that taste great and promote environmental responsibility.

But don’t take our word for it, come down to Medina Valley Centre and try it yourself!

Operating Hours

Drinks: 10:30 - 13:00

Lunch: 12:00 - 13:00

Monday - Friday

Sample Menu

  • Sandwiches, Wraps, Baguettes – £3.00
  • Salads – £5.00
  • Homemade sausage rolls, crudites, hummus, and a daily selection of snacks.


  • Flat White, Espresso, Cafe Latte, Machiato – £2.50
  • Selection of Teas – £2.00
  • Kombucha – £2.75
  • Soy, oat, and coconut milk avaliable.

The Medina Valley Centre

We feel incredibly fortunate at Isorropia to be situated in such a stunning location, with breathtaking views all around. Our site is a haven for a variety of delightful creatures, ranging from the charming swans, ducks, and rabbits to the playful squirrels, birds, and butterflies. Occasionally, we are treated to extraordinary sights, just like Becky and Hannah experienced during their lunchtime stroll last week. When the local heron dropped a live eel in front of them, Becky bravely put the eel back in the river and was greeted by a Beautiful seal!

Independant Arts

Our team recently met with the lovely Matt from Independent Arts. He explained what they offer on the island and it really sounds amazing, easy to access, and fun!

Who are Idependant Arts?

Independent Arts is an Isle of Wight charity, established in 1987, using the arts to improve wellbeing, quality of life, and to reduce social isolation. Independent Arts believe that art is for all stages of life and deliver vital services to all ages, across the Island, mindful of the range of needs. 

Contact Information

01983 822437   |

 48/49 High Street, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1SE

What does Independent Arts provide?

  • Singing workshop  
  • Dance workshops 
  • Creative café 
  • Make and create. 
  • Wellbeing café 
  • Meet and make. 
  • Youth arts lab
  • Mindful moments
  • Peer support 
  • Helping hands 
  • Chess craft.

Isorropia Social Groups

The summer social groups have started off with a bang, thanks to the incredible Vicky, who organises the community groups for our members. 

If you’re interested in joining the social groups, you can find all the information on our Facebook page and book your place through the BookWhen link provided when you join as a member.

Our members have been incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to visit Mottistone Manor Gardens and Osborn House this month. Your feedback on the social groups and the connections you’ve made through them has been absolutely wonderful!

Up and coming social events at Isorropia

Ventnor Lawn Bowls

Tuesday 11th June @ 10:00 – 12:00

67 Mitchell Ave, Ventnor PO38 1DP

No 3 Bus stops right outside. Leave plenty of time to find parking as this is Ventnor.

Introduction and playing a game of Lawn Bowls by kind donation of Ventnor Bowling Club.

Please meet at Ventnor Bowling Club for a 10am start. Flat soled shoes must be worn (No trainers).

Recommend booking on book when. Any questions regarding bowls or attire please call Ventnor Bowls on 01983 855490.

Morris Dancing Taster at Medina Valley Centre

Tuesday 25th June 10:00 – 12:00

Our wonderful staff member Tom has years of experience Morris Dancing and will teach us a dance or 2! If you like it you can join a local Morris Dancing group. We’d also love it if you show off you newly learnt skills at our Isorropia Members’ Wellbeing Day in July. That’s optional of course!

Arrive at Medina Valley Centre in relaxed clothing for a 10am start. Sticks, hankies, and bells supplied! No experience necessary.

Booking recommended via BookWhen. Any questions regarding the event please call us on 01983 217791.

Wellbeing Activities are exclusively for Isorropia members. All graduates (members who have completed the workshop programme and are now part of our wider community) are welcome to join as well. Members who are taking part on the workshop programme need to be attending workshops regularly in order to participate in Isorropia’s social activities.

Volunteer Applications

Isorropia Foundation recently advertise volunteer positions for mentors and minibus drivers. I’d like to wish the applicants all the best!

After completing my own journey with Isorropia as a member, I took a bold step and became a volunteer mentor role. It was both thrilling and nerve-wracking, as putting yourself out there can be challenging! However, by applying, you have taken a courageous step outside of your comfort zone and believed in yourself. That is something to be proud of. Remember to stay true to yourself, be honest and open, and embrace the journey. Most importantly, always remember how far you have come!

If you are interested in future volunteering opportunities, please let us know. You’ll be added to our email list to be the first to learn about future positions.

Karleigh x

Goal Setting | The Gift Foundation Course

Goal Setting | The Gift Foundation Course

April has flown by, and we are almost into May!

This month, I’ve received messages from members who have expressed their enjoyment of my blogs. I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for sharing this with me and reading. Honestly, I never thought anyone would read my blog, so knowing that so many of you do truly warms my heart and boosts my self-belief even more. Thank you all!

I still get nervous when presenting workshops, and it’s frustrating because I feel like I should be more confident by now. On top of that, I haven’t been feeling well due to a cold, which makes it even harder to focus on my work. But I need to remind myself to be kind and compassionate towards myself, just like I talked about in my February blog. It’s important to acknowledge how far I’ve come and appreciate the progress I’ve made. In this blog, I want to explore the importance of setting goals.

Goal Setting

Initially, I was hesitant about setting goals, I felt trapped and believed that I would never succeed in accomplishing anything. However, I eventually came to understand that goals are the driving force that propels us forward and aids in our personal growth. By focusing on self-improvement, we are already making significant strides towards achievement.

During the introductory workshop, the well-being coaches explained Isorropia’s five keys, and amidst it all, the concept of meaning and purpose brought a mix of emotions. Initially, it felt daunting, as I felt as though I lacked both at the time. The coaches mentioned the two-day GIFT foundation course as a path toward setting goals, but my initial reaction was resistance. It felt daunting and overwhelming, my inner critic fought against the idea.

In those moments, the idea of seeking meaning, purpose, and setting goals seemed distant and unattainable. All I wanted was to navigate through the workshops, to simply survive. Even attending felt like a challenge, and my first goal was simply making it through the door and finding a seat. The pressure I placed on myself led to overwhelming emotions and I couldn’t complete the first day of the GIFT course. Walking away left me feeling like I had stumbled, like I had failed, further denting my self-esteem. It was in this negative space that I even resorted to writing a harsh letter to myself, emphasizing my perceived shortcomings.

However, a few days later, a well-being coach reached out, offering reassurance and booking me for more workshops, including a rescheduled GIFT course. This encouragement shifted my perspective, reminding me that setbacks weren’t the end of the road but merely detours on the path to growth. I made a conscious decision to persevere, using each workshop as a stepping stone toward my ultimate goal of completing the GIFT.

This marked a turning point for me—a conscious decision to not let setbacks define my journey and I committed to pushing forward. The GIFT became my ultimate goal, and each workshop became a stepping stone toward it. By applying the tools from the workshops, I began to work on myself outside of the sessions. I used my journal as a guide and worked towards my goals with compassion. I reminded myself that slipping up wasn’t a failure, just a sign that I needed more time. Every goal I set revolved around the workshops, keeping me focused until I finally achieved the gift. And when I finally entered that space, I knew I was truly prepared.

On my gift day I wrote myself something I wanted to share…

I’m feeling scared, but also excited. I have been here once before in the middle of August, and I didn’t get through day one. I felt ashamed and disappointed in myself. I felt as though I had failed at getting well, but I had a little determination in myself, so after a very difficult anxious call, I booked myself on as many workshops as I could every week I attended, and I started to feel less of a failure. I decided to start to listen and use the tools from the workshops, I did decide to do this at a slow comfortable rate, I set tiny goals, and something slowly started to happen. I started to lift my head a little higher. I found my voice in workshops and with that came my smile and laughter, I see now I didn’t fail I just wasn’t ready. I have a long way to go, 30 something years can’t be fixed in a few months, but something I’ve never lost that my moods emotions and trauma after trauma hasn’t taken away is my determination it may have been a very small ember just a few months ago but as I take my journey forward it has become more of a flame and right now I am comfortable excepting where I am and who I am. I am ready to keep moving forward to burn brighter and today I’m going to achieve one of my biggest goals attending the gift and I’m happy to be here. Karleigh x”
October 2022

This time, my experience with the Gift was truly transformative. I didn’t push myself too hard, but I still had a clear goal in mind. It really helped to shift my mindset and I even connected with the people in my group. The Gift was another step towards my overall well-being, and the follow-up session really helped me stay focused. I really enjoyed my GIFT course and was so proud I did it!

I realised that meaning and purpose doesn’t always have to be grand and overwhelming. It can be found in the simple moments. Finding meaning in our daily actions, routines, and activites can bring purpose and happiness, without necessarily needing to find the meaning of life itself. So, ask yourself, what is the meaning behind the things you do? As for me, the meaning of writing this blog is to let others know that they’re not alone, to offer hope, and to give back in my own way. Now, what is the meaning of your attendance at Isorropia?

It’s completely normal to feel scared when setting big goals for yourself. Admitting what you truly want can be intimidating, especially when the fear of failure creeps in. It’s important to shift your mindset towards the opportunities and possibilites.

How was your experience with the gift? I would love to hear all about it. 

The Gift Foundation Course

Most of you will already be aware that Isorropia offers a transformative two-day foundation course called “THE GIFT”. This course is designed to reconnect members with life’s possibilities in relationships, family, career & community. It encourages exploration of personal passions & aims to bring about permanent shifts towards your desired life. Members will consilidate the tools learnt in the workshops to develop powerful new thinking & behavioral patterns, enhancing success & balance in personal wellbeing.

You will receive your GIFT course dates during your first introduction workshop. It is not mandatory to complete the GIFT course, but I would highly recommend taking part if you are able. If you find the two day difficult, then we also offer theGIFT LITE”, which is a shorter 5 hours version. 

REMEMBER: Either version of “THE GIFT” is open to all members. If you wish to change your gift date, swap to the GIFT LITE, or retake the GIFT, please give us a call. 

The Gift Follow Up Sessions

Follow-up sessions are my favourite part of the program and play a crucial role in helping you stay on track with your goals. These sessions, led by wellbeing coaches, break down your goals into manageable steps and provide a more personalized approach compared to the workshops. They focus on the present moment and offer an opportunity to reconnect with your fellow GIFT participants.

These follow-up sessions take place over 4 weeks at the same time and day each week, with a final 1-1 review session on the 5th week with a wellbeing coach. During this review, you can decide how you want to proceed with isorropia – whether it’s graduating from the program, attending more workshops, or repeating the entire program. The choice is yours.

One of the great things about isorropia is that even after graduating, you can still participate in workshops, attend the GIFT sessions, or join social groups. You will continue to have access to our phone lines for ongoing support.

Journaling for Goals

Why not try these journal prompts for goal setting. Your goals can be as small as you want… have a shower, get a decent lunch, drink two glass of water.

    • What have I already accomplished today? (I got up, I got dressed, I went for a walk, I allowed myself to rest, I made a phone call) 
    • Did I learn anything today? (I do achieve things) 
    • What is the story I’m telling myself right now? 
    • Is there a new habit I would like to try. 
    • What is one goal I’d like to work towards?
    • What small steps can I take to work towards this? 
    • What if my small step doesn’t work out? What can I do to still work towards this?
    • What is the meaning In this goal? 
    • How will I feel after achieving this goal? 
    • What will happen if I don’t achieve this goal, and can I do it differently?  What did I learn? (Be compassioante towards yourself here; what would you say to a friend?)

My Goal

I’ve had a desire to climb a mountain for quite some time now. It’s a goal I’ve been aiming to accomplish, especially since my journey to wellness with isorropia has always felt like climbing a mountain. Earlier this month, my two eldest sons and I decided to hike across north Wales and hike to the peak of Snowdonia to raise funds for autism awareness. What I realized during this trip is that the journey towards a goal is more significant than the goal itself. Reflecting on where I was just a few years ago, unable to even step out of my own home, to now stepping out of my comfort zone and routine, is a huge achievement for me. Boarding a boat is something that scares me, so it was a goal to conquer that fear. While traveling we crossed bridges over water, which I don’t particularly like due to my fear of water. Being out of routine made me very uncomfortable but overcoming these fears and pushing myself out of my comfort zone are small victories that contribute to the overall achievement. It’s important to acknowledge how far we’ve come when setting goals, and for me, the greatest achievement was simply believing that I could do these things. We ended up walking 57miles, visited amazing sights and made the Snowdon climb.

Setting goals is important, but the biggest growth comes from believing in myself enough to achieve those goals. When I got the job at isorropia, I thought that was the ultimate achievement, but in reality, the goals I accomplished along the way were huge. Stepping out of my comfort zone and overcoming challenges like picking up the phone and talking to people were major milestones. when I look back at all the challenges I faced, I realise they contributed to my personal growth, rather than just getting the job. 

It’s all about changing our mindset and believing in ourselves. I’ve held myself back for too long, playing the victim to my own mental health diagnosis and believing I couldn’t do things, because I was unwell, anxious, or socially awkward. I created a story in my head that I didn’t deserve success or happiness because of the traumas I’ve been through. But the truth is, the only person holding me back was myself. Changing the narrative I constantly told myself marked the beginning of setting goals for myself. I reminded myself that I couldn’t keep repeating the stories of my past failures or insecurities because by doing so, I would continue to believe them. I realised that I needed to shift my perspective and take control of my story. Now, my story is one of growth and accomplishment at my own pace. I refuse to let anything hold me back because I deserve to live the life I want. Despite facing challenges, I have continued to grow. Just like Les Brown once said, “growth comes from overcoming tough times, not from the good days.” I have learned to embrace the difficult moments and use them as opportunities to evolve. I am constantly looking for new ways to approach obstacles and learn from them. It’s not about reaching the top of the mountain effortlessly, but about the journey of growth and resilience along the way. I’ve challenged myself to at least give it a shot, believing in myself to try. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll figure out what I can do differently. How can I learn and grow from this experience? In reality, I might grow more from not reaching my initial goal, as I’ll need to find alternative paths. It’s about dealing with the obstacles and emotions along the way, not just reaching the destination easily. It’s a process of working hard and gradually improving to achieve growth. Just like when I climbed that mountain, it wasn’t a simple journey to the top. There were struggles, setbacks, and moments of doubt. But those challenges are where the real growth happens, and the sense of achievement is even greater. If I had just breezed through it, I wouldn’t have learned as much or felt as accomplished as I do now. The real growth and achievement comes from the journey itself, the obstacles faced, and the determination to overcome them.

Remember, when you first reached out to Isorropia for help THAT was an achievement. When you completed your enrolment, that was another achievement. Attending the introduction and deciding to book your workshops were also achievements. By choosing to come to Isorropia, you made the decision to change your story. It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey or if you face struggles, tears, or overwhelming moments. Your past doesn’t have to compare to anyone else’s. What matters is that you showed up for yourself; you’re trying. That’s the most important part towards your growth!

Ask yourself! 

    • How far have I come? 
    • What have I done to show up for myself? 
    • Am I doing things I believed I couldn’t do 6 months ago? 
    • What is it that I’m telling myself I can’t achieve? Can I challenge this? Is there proof that this self-belief is false? 

Looking to boost your self-belief? Look no further than our confidence and self-esteem workshop! It’s the perfect opportunity to enhance your mindset and build a strong foundation of self-assurance. Members can easily secure a spot via your bookwhen link, or simply giving us a call. Additionally, we have another fantastic workshop that focuses on goals and maintaining focus. It’s called “The Fear of Getting Well” and “Well-being Planning”. These workshops complement each other perfectly, creating a harmonious balance in your personal growth journey.

A tool that really helps me put things in to perspective when I’m struggling to push to achieve is the cross roads to happiness tool. You can find this in the well-being planning workshop.

Meet the Team: Molly Dixon

One well-being coach that is the queen of goals and achieving is Molly, I often see molly push herself to achieve the things she wants in life and it’s a huge inspiration, as I have got to know molly I have found out she is an extremely fun, bubbly, energetic, talented, kind and honest person and really keeps our teams moral up she makes everyone laugh and can really brighten up the day just by being her most authentic self. Molly is an incredible wellbeing coach and I really enjoy being in workshops with her. 

Molipop / Molly
Job Role
Wellbeing Coach
What is your favourite workshop?
It’s a mix of effective communication, building healthy relationships and well-being planning (of course I can’t choose just one).
What keeps you well?
Knowing myself well enough to know what my need in a moment is.
What is your favourite quote?
When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up. Let your reason get you back up. – Les Brown.
About Molly
Hello all! A little background of things that bring me a lot of joy, first and foremost having the privilege of owning my horse who is called Maverick. He is a large part of my Ikigi and the biggest dream child me ever made. I tend to him twice a day, every day and I love the lifestyle it brings me. We love a good gallop over the downs across the island and jumping. Secretly a bit of a mermaid, I sea dip all year and have recently brought myself a Lumi recovery ice tub. I go to swim training once a week, became in love with running during covid and have always been a gym goer. Equally, I promise I do find a little downtime to relax and get lost in a good fantasy book, some simple pleasures for me look like camping, herbal teas, candles, sunsets/sunrises and going to bed in fresh sheets by 9 pm. I’m also a very curious mind and love learning anything new, especially around psychology and neuroscience. I need a lot of variation in my life, so the active lifestyle and mental stimulation work for me beautifully. It’s difficult to pinpoint my favourite part of my role here at Isorropia, however, I think it would have to be when I fall into a focus flow (which I call it) during a workshop or delivering the gift, when I’m able to respond to a question with either a question to allow an individual to peel back another layer of their own self-awareness or theory that spreads inspiring energy across the room.
A goal I achieved…
Everyone knows I am a sucker for a good goal/plan. I feel for me personally my biggest achievement within goal setting was gaining my degree, but not for the piece of paper. But actually, because it gave me such evidence against a negative belief system I created as a teenager believing I was stupid and couldn’t learn academically. Everything else around that I gained was a bonus, due to my neurodiversity I had to learn how I learn, with a very good reward system. Scheduling and holding myself very accountable. Due to my university course being 4 years, it was a goal that kept giving, allowing that belief system to evolve and grow.

This Month at Isorropia

Molly recently accomplished an incredible feat by participating in the ABP half marathon, finishing 13.10 miles in just 1 hour and 56 minutes. Not only did she surpass her personal record, but she also raised funds for the Isle of Wight and Hampshire air ambulance. Congratulations on this remarkable achievement, Molly!

New Workshops

You might have noticed on our community Facebook page that the Isorropia team has been diligently brainstorming new workshop ideas for our members. Natasha, our amazing team member, even created a Facebook poll for you to vote on your favourite workshop idea. Your input is incredibly valuable to us, and we truly appreciate the time you took to participate. We are eagerly awaiting the results and can’t wait to start organizing some exciting new workshops. Stay tuned for updates!

Team Wellbeing Day

From time to time, the Isorropia team gathers and dedicates an entire day to our well-being. This is crucial for us to pause, appreciate each other, and strengthen our bond as a team. It’s also an opportunity for us to have some fun! During this month’s well-being day, we engaged in team-building exercises, enjoyed music quizzes, and explored our personality types and core values. I absolutely cherish these days, although I must admit they can be challenging for me. As someone who gets easily drained by crowds and noise, I tend to withdraw and become quiet. In the past, I used to judge myself for this and wonder why I couldn’t be more enthusiastic like others. However, what I’ve come to realize is that it’s truly fascinating to find people who understand you. They don’t judge or question your behaviour; instead, they simply accept you for who you are. I believe this is a crucial aspect of finding your tribe, and I can confidently say that the team here at Isorropia is definitely my tribe.

As always, I hope this blog has been helpful to you, please let me know of any subjects you would like me to cover or if you would like to participate in the blog. 


Much love Karleigh.