Create the Foundations of Stability
Develop a Balanced & Healthy Lifestyle
Embrace Acceptance & Letting Go
Adopt an Open & Positive Mindest
Connect to Meaning & Purpose in Life
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Our Blog | Inside Isorropia
Welcome to ‘Inside Isorropia’ — the blog that keeps you informed about the latest news, updates, and insights! Join our community, engage with fellow readers through comments, share your thoughts, and contribute to the ongoing conversation.
5th Birthday | Overcoming Challenges | Volunteers
Hello everyone, it's great to be back! I hope you're all doing well. As we missed June’s blog, this will be a mix of the past two months. So much has happened in the last two months and I’m afraid I can’t fit it all in!We recently celebrated our 5th birthday by...
Connection | Personal Growth | The Big Eat Co.
Wow! May went by so quickly at Isorropia. Firstly, our apologies for the delay in getting May’s blog post to you, annual leave within the Team means we’re running a bit behind, but we are catching up now! The weather is getting warmer and the days are brighter, which...
Goal Setting | The Gift Foundation Course
April has flown by, and we are almost into May! This month, I've received messages from members who have expressed their enjoyment of my blogs. I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for sharing this with me and reading. Honestly, I never thought...