Blog | Inside Isorropia

Connection | Personal Growth | The Big Eat Co.

Connection | Personal Growth | The Big Eat Co.

Wow! May went by so quickly at Isorropia. Firstly, our apologies for the delay in getting May’s blog post to you, annual leave within the Team means we’re running a bit behind, but we are catching up now! The weather is getting warmer and the days are brighter, which...

Goal Setting | The Gift Foundation Course

Goal Setting | The Gift Foundation Course

April has flown by, and we are almost into May! This month, I've received messages from members who have expressed their enjoyment of my blogs. I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for sharing this with me and reading. Honestly, I never thought...

Comfort Zones | Positive Journalling | Inspirational Women

Comfort Zones | Positive Journalling | Inspirational Women

I absolutely love this time of year - the days are getting longer, the weather is brighter, and the flowers are starting to bloom. Here at Isorropia, we have daffodils, snowdrops, and Hyacinth popping up, along with a few rabbits hopping about. March holds a mix of...

Blue Personalities | Grief | Blue Water Spaces

Blue Personalities | Grief | Blue Water Spaces

Welcome back to Inside Isorropia. It’s been a glorious start to September thank goodness. I think we all feel so much happier when we are able to get outside and feel the warmth on our skin. It was somewhat unexpected, although I had mentioned in my previous post that...

Summer | Solutions | Success

Summer | Solutions | Success

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Inside Isorropia. It’s the school summer holidays, and as per the norm for Great Britain, it is decidedly damp, grey and drizzly outside. We are now halfway through August, and there has been no sign of the late summer heat we were...

Colour | Personality | Yellow

Colour | Personality | Yellow

Hello! How did you find June’s heat waves? I hope it was manageable and you found ways to keep cool and minimise any discomfort. More heat is supposedly headed our way, but not until August, apparently! It’s good to be prepared, though, as this can certainly relieve...

Volunteering Stories | Trust the Process

Volunteering Stories | Trust the Process

Well, hello again, and a very happy Pride month to you all. Hasn’t this month just been glorious!? I know us Brits are renowned for talking about the weather and (more often than not) complaining that it’s never quite right, but I’ve actually found these past four...