Belonging | Community

Belonging | Community

Hi everyone and welcome back to ‘Inside Isorropia – The Blog’

We now find ourselves in February and after some very cold and frosty winter mornings down at Medina Valley Centre, we are looking forward to longer days and more sunshine as we head towards Spring. Our team are still very much awed by the beauty of the river and trying to capture that beauty in photographs is becoming a shared hobby for all of us. I have it on good authority that two of our Wellbeing Coaches have recently enrolled on a Photography course, so this could well lead to some healthy competition developing; maybe we should create a photo gallery at MVC to showcase our wonderful setting and our talented team members?! Or I could invite them all to submit a photo – the best of which could be featured in the next blog post. I do love to see creativity being explored and developed and I think it would be lovely to share the results with you all too. What do you think?

Our Keys

The basis of everything we do at Isorropia Foundation lies in our ethos and core values which are neatly packaged into our Five Keys to Wellbeing (See Our Core Valuespage). Much of what we do is about empowering people. We want everyone to feel welcome, seen, heard and valued. We hear all too often from members that these things have been missing in their lives, despite often having been through many other services in their mental health journeys. Others may be feeling that they have exhausted all options open to them in their existing social circles. Often we work with those who either a) don’t have an existing support network or b) feel misunderstood or isolated within their own family or circle of friends. This is something we address early on here at Isorropia so as to get our members off to the best possible start with lots of hope and positivity for a brighter-looking future.


Belonging has been of particular interest to Psychologists since the pioneering work of Abraham Maslow and his Hierarchy of Needs, way back in 1943 (See image below). However, studies continue to be done right up to the current day (“Researchers identify a potential neural signature of social belonging” 12/02/23) In this article it was stated that: “Belonging to social groups is one of the basic emotional needs people have. It is crucial for a person’s mental health and wellbeing”.  This should come as no surprise to our members because we talk about this frequently throughout our programme of workshops.

Image: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Dictionary definitions describe belonging as this:

‘a sense of fitting in and feeling like an important member of a group’

‘a feeling of being happy or comfortable as part of a particular group and having good relationships with the other members because they welcome you and accept you’

Right from the outset, our work with members is group based. We find this environment works incredibly well for people, despite their initial (and understandable) anxieties.  Members are made aware that they are all in the same or similar situations; we often refer to this as experiencing ‘the same storm in different boats’. Members often report feeling comforted in knowing that they are amongst others who can easily relate to and identify with what they are going through, including the facilitating staff (see Meet the Team to discover more about the lived experience of our Wellbeing Coaches). As recent as the last workshop I facilitated, members have highlighted a strength of the group dynamic being the realisation that they are not alone.

We believe that a sense of belonging continues to grow and develop throughout the Wellbeing Programme through the provision of regular and continued opportunities for member engagement, both in workshops and at our Wellbeing Fayres (previously known as Pamper Days). Following on from this, there are a multitude of activities available to our members in the Community side of Isorropia (Community Umbrella) and this is where friendships really begin to form and connections strengthen. The feeling of belonging that comes from being part of Isorropia plays an enormous role in raising the confidence of our members. They grow in confidence as individuals, but often as a result of feeling the support of other members who journey alongside them. One member described having ‘found my tribe’ which illustrates this point beautifully. Our Community Engagement volunteer, Tasha West calls them ‘The Isorropia Army’.

Image: Quote describing a tribe

‘A social group whose members have something in common’

‘People who are considered as a unit because of their common interests or social group’

For us at Isorropia Foundation, this unifying factor or ‘commonality’, is that our members have collectively reached a significant point in their wellness journey i.e.) they have graduated from the Wellbeing Programme into Isorropia’s Community Umbrella. It is at this point that members are more likely to have formed strong social connections and are sufficiently equipped to manage their own ongoing mental health and wellbeing.

Image: Men’s woodland group

Being immersed in a group of like-minded people with common interests is empowering and it does amazing things for our wellbeing! It is no surprise then that ‘Relating’ has been identified by as one of the ‘10 Keys to Happier Living’:

“The people around you offer a valuable pool of support so it’s important to put time into strengthening those connections”

I think there is much more to it though than simply having people around you who can offer support. Have you ever been part of a group who have worked together to accomplish something? I know I have and I believe it is this that really makes the difference – there needs to be something special that bonds you together, don’t you think? None of the definitions above celebrates the wonderful feeling that comes from being part of a community. Our members report experiencing a collective feeling of achievement, at having completed something so important and so powerful together and this can be incredibly bonding for them (some of whom may not have completed anything before, as an individual or as a group and may also feel they have nothing at all to be proud of). We pride ourselves on creating a friendly, non-judgmental environment for our members where they feel safe to explore and grow by gradually building the courage to push themselves out of their comfort zones. Members do the hard work; we are simply there as a safety net and that’s what enables such positive results.

Some of the comments and compliments we have received thus far as an organisation allude to the points raised above. For example:

“I’m enjoying being a part of something again. Something only Isorropia can provide…community.”

“Before Isorropia I had become a recluse. Since being an Isorropia Graduate I now attend two social groups. They’re my therapy.”

“I thought the whole programme was brilliant and so useful. I found a sense of connection with others.”

“I feel connected to others and know that I can talk and open up to others.”

“The Pamper Day has allowed me to tap into things I used to love doing. Isorropia and the community gave me the confidence to push myself.”

It isn’t just Isorropia community groups that our members have access to. Once they reach the point of completing The Gift Course they are also invited to join Isorropia’s online community on Facebook, which offers another form of social connection for members. This has been particularly helpful for those who face challenges in attending social groups due to limitations around availability, transport or mobility.

We also encourage and empower our members to connect with the wider Island community whenever they feel ready to do so. If you pop by to read the next instalment of Inside Isorropia you can look forward to learning more about what our Community Umbrella has to offer and the different ways our members can benefit and get involved. I shall also shine a light on some of the wonderful contributions our members have already made within our unique community.

If you are interested in (or you know someone else who could benefit from) what we have to offer, then please do get in touch. We would love to hear from you…

Until next time,

Lucy xx


Before I go, did any of you see this recent photo release of the Princess of Wales from when she was a baby? It was released as part of her #ShapingUs campaign designed to start conversations about early childhood. I managed to find a picture of myself, taken in 1984 at a guess, and it got me thinking about the communities myself and my family were part of at that time. So, here’s a little challenge for you – see if you can dig out a photo or two of yourself or your children (aged under 5 years) and have them to hand, ready for the next post…I have a plan!

A New Home | Welcome

A New Home | Welcome

An Introduction

First and foremost, ‘welcome one and all’ to Isorropia Foundation’s blog and our first-ever post. My name is Lucy and I’m one of the Wellbeing Coaches here at Isorropia (You can find out more about myself and the rest of the team in the ‘Meet The Team’ section of the website). I’m absolutely thrilled to be at the helm of this exciting new venture and delighted to have you on board!

Image: Lucy, Wellbeing Coach

A blog has been a goal for us as an organisation for some time, but right now we are going through a transitional phase and it seems like the perfect time to launch it. (If you aren’t familiar with Isorropia yet and would like to know more about what we do as a wellbeing organisation, please take a look at the ‘Home’ page, or why not browse the whole site to really get a feel for who we are and what we are all about!) Our aim for the blog is to provide interesting reads on a regular basis, tapping into our local history, geography and community here on the Isle of Wight whilst, at the same time, sharing insight into our goals, values and mission as a wellbeing organisation on the Isle of Wight.

A little bit about me

I have always been very creative, since way back when I was at school. I loved art and writing stories; English Language was my favourite subject. I am still creative now, not only with writing and art, but also in photography and problem-solving, all of which have helped me in my recovery from depression and anxiety, and in getting back into the workplace. I am a big advocate for the role creative pursuits can play in improving our mental health and wellbeing. I find it interesting how language is a fundamental part of development which enables us to live our normal, day-to-day lives, yet it is so often used creatively to help process and express the more emotionally challenging aspects of life.

I only work part-time, so on my days off, if I’ve had time to get creative in the kitchen, I will occasionally treat the office to home-baked cakes! And whilst I’m on the subject of baking, why don’t you grab yourself something yummy to eat (slice of cake or a cookie maybe?) and a nice cup of tea, make yourself comfy and I’ll get started on telling you all about our new home!

Our New Home
Image: View of the river at Medina Valley Centre

After a period of feeling a little over-crowded at our Newport office, it was clear to see that we had outgrown it and were in need of new premises. Following many months of uncertainty around where Isorropia would be moving to, the team were delighted to discover our new home was to be The Medina Valley Centre. Still technically in Newport, but a world away from the noisy traffic on the High Street and the all-too-frequent sirens in and around town.

One gloriously sunny September morning the team headed down to take a look and ‘Wow!’. Quite frankly it was blissful. It was like we’d hit the office jackpot!! Charlie Bell and Vicki Haworth, our CEOs had clearly put an enormous amount of time and effort into finding us the perfect location where Isorropia Foundation could, not only put down roots but also continue to grow.

Medina Valley Centre is situated on the River Medina, down a narrow country lane and, on arrival, it feels instantly like a little haven of peace and tranquillity. I think I speak for the whole team in saying that we were completely awed by the sheer beauty of the surroundings and the abundance of nature in such close proximity to where we would soon be working. It was a powerful moment. We were inspired, excited, curious, and maybe even a little overwhelmed by the enormous potential at MVC, but ultimately, we couldn’t wait to get moved in.

Not a Physical Place

Having researched the definitions of ‘home’, I liked how stated: ‘Home doesn’t have to be a house. It can be anywhere or anything.’

“Home is not a physical place. It is the place where your soul feels it belongs, where you can unapologetically be yourself, where you are loved for your authentic self. Home is the place where you don’t have to work hard just to be loved.” (Najwa Zebian)

I recently stumbled across this lovely description of ‘Home’ by Najwa Zebian (Lebanese-Canadian author) from her book ‘Welcome Home: A Guide to Building a Home for Your Soul’ and was struck by how well it fits with our ethos here at Isorropia. For our team and members, including those who choose to become volunteers, we are very much about encouraging each other to show up authentically – to be our authentic selves. One of the more common reasons cited for why we in the team enjoy working for Isorropia so much is exactly that; they feel able to show up and be themselves completely, with no fear of judgement, no pressure to ‘fit in’ or conform. As an organisation, we feel this is huge, not only for our team but for our members too. This is reflected in our person-centred, holistic approach, whereby we empower members to consider and embody their whole selves right from the very outset.

 A Mooring Post

A mooring post can be used to describe someone’s stabilising influence or security. It seemed fitting to me that, whilst we have always known we provide a ‘stabilising influence’ for our members, now, in our riverside setting, we have acquired our very own mooring post to secure ourselves to as an organisation.

As a wellbeing organisation part of our role is to empower our members, many of whom are living with physical and mental health conditions and for whom life has thrown up many challenges. Consequently, it is a sad but true fact that a large number of these people don’t have a great deal of stability in their day-to-day lives. Our very first Key to Wellbeing (See ‘About Us’ page) is to ‘Create the Foundations of Stability’ and the ongoing role that we play in this is to be ‘ever-present’ or a ‘constant’ for our members. Our outcomes show that by keeping this at the forefront of what we do, we are able to form trusting relationships with members and, as a result, they feel safe and secure with us, throughout their wellness journey.

There are already many ideas in discussion about how we may utilise our mooring post and get the best from our wonderful new location going forward, so be sure to keep checking in to the blog for updates on future plans.

Final thoughts

We have received so much feedback from members expressing that they have found Isorropia’s Wellbeing Programme to be a life-changing experience. As an organisation, we have grown from small seeds as a handful of individuals with a similar passion and drive for positive change, to now a growing and thriving team with big ambitions for how we can continue to reach more and more people and in different ways. This blog is just one of them.

Our rationale for ‘Inside Isorropia – The Blog’ is tied to the idea that we are now also here in a virtual capacity for our members, providing another means for connection to those individuals who aren’t always able to access Isorropia Foundation in person. The blog will also serve to increase awareness in the wider online community about the wonderful things we are doing here at Medina Valley.

The most important message today is that we will continue to be a safe place where individuals can come to learn skills to transform their wellbeing and reach their full potential – the only real change being that we have a different address, a new place to call ‘Home’, prettier views from our windows and the wonderful sound of birdsong ringing in our ears! What’s not to love?!

I look forward to being here to share more from Inside Isorropia again with you all very soon,

Lucy xx